Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Habit Forming

So I'm trying to get into the habit of making muffins on a Sunday afternoon. My first attempt was blueberry, and let me tell you... not as successful as I would have liked.  Not, y'know, bad or anything, just not as light and gorgeous as they should be.  I really don't know if it was just the recipe I was following, possibly the fact that I didn't use buttermilk (like half the internet told me I should... in fact, do you know how hard it is to find a muffin recipe that doesn't have buttermilk in it?  I do, and trust me, it's hard).  This recipe wasn't a buttermilk recipe, but... I don't know, there was something about those blueberry muffins that didn't grab me by the tastebuds and whirl me around the room in a daze of wonderful.

Am I expecting too much from these muffins?  Whatever gives you that idea?

Sunday, January 03, 2010

We Used to Vacation

Sweet Lord, how lazy can you get?  No posts in months, barely done any writing of any description, and no good excuse apart from the fact that it's summer (or nominally summer here, since it's frickin' windy and so rainy that the damn stuff is coming in the french doors... hence the towels strewn liberally around the house) and I've got better things to do than slave away in the kitchen over a hot cupcake.

Oh yeah, so welcome to 2010, y'all.  I'm not usually a one for New Year resolutions, but I'm endevouring to be better at the whole writing thing this year.  I'm about half way through a teaser for the comic that Ngaio and I are doing, a bunch of myths for my creepy magical friends.  I have a scary feeling that they are coming off a bit half-arsed or even worse, naff fantasy shite, but I'm trusting to Ngaio to keep me on the straight and narrow.  Hear that, girl?  Oh yeah, and I'm sorry I missed your birthday, but I'm going to come and visit as soon as I get my shit sorted, okay?