Oh, muffins... where have you been all my life? I'm on a real muffin kick at the moment, if I'd known how flamin' simple they are, I'd have started makin' the darn things sooner. Well, maybe. We all know that I'm a woman who just loves to make life hard for herself. But still. The sentiment is there.
So the puppies that I've just made are cream cheese, smoked salmon and chive mini-muffins. How hoity-toity can you get? Yes, they are pretty ritzy, but honestly, someone who had mislaid some of their mental picnic could make these without much bother. There are only two pitfalls with these muffins - they are a tad on the expensive side to make (though if you get the smoked salmon pieces, you know, the ripped up shready stuff, it's not too bad), and they are almost irresistable; but resist! I implore you! Take it from one who knows, all you will end up with is a burnt roof-of-the-mouth and a broken heart. Well, maybe not that last one.
Um, in other news, Mark Lanegan is in town tonight, which I totally wish that I could go to, but being the Nana that I am, one thing per night is about my limit. The muffins are coming with me to a farewell shindig for a work buddy of mine tonight. In order to not cause too much kerfuffle for people, its one of those 'clear out your booze cabinet' type affairs - everyone brings the mysterious bottles that lurk in the back of the cabinet with a centimeter or so of liquid at the bottom and we make them into glorious cocktails. At least, that is the idea. Getting back to the original topic, if you don't know who Mark Lanegan is, you need to go to the Library (or the indie record store, or itunes if you must) and get the Screaming Trees album Dust. It is an amazing album, and I'm sure that you'll love it. What am I saying, I don't know if you'll love it, but it's always good to listen to some new shit once in a while.