Sometimes, you can get a really bitchin' top crust, then a gorgeous filling... which is all totally ruined by soggy under-crust. Or you get amazing crust action, and then fundamentally gross filling. Or the whole thing is just a big 'meh' - which is the worst, I reckon... don't get me wrong, I'm all about the classics, but I'd rather have pie be the highlight of my day than just something to fill my belly.
Now this, this is good pie:
Have to say that I was a tad dubious when I saw the Lad coming back from the counter at Ernesto's with a big wodge of this pie, which is berry and apple (as I'm sure you were able to guess from the photo... hope my photography isn't that bad). It was technically a pie to share, but I bet you can guess who was the one that ended up cramming it into her gob as fast as she could go, washed down with gallons of wicked good soy latte. It always gives me a private chuckle to know that Ernesto's is run by the same people that own Fidel's and Havana coffee (some of the best coffee money can buy, in my humble opinion... seriously, it is a humble opinion, I know nothing about coffee, except what I like)... and both the cafe's are on Cuba Street. Doesn't take much to tickle my funny bone, obviously.
But back to the pie... Pie should really be the kind of food which is equally good fresh out of the oven as it is fridg-y cold. Don't know about this one fresh out of the oven, but it was excellent cold - and it speaks to the confidence that this cafe has in this pie that they didn't feel the need to give you a big splattering of yoghurt or cream, or any other decoration at all (oh, hang on, they did give us yoghurt, but we didn't need it, and I ate it afterwards on it's own), other than a wee dusting of icing sugar. Mmm.
So that concludes the first part of Eating on the Sidewalk - I'm gonna try and make this kind of regular-ish, 'cause I like to give props to cafe's and stuff that do things right. If any of y'all have got any places you think would be good to try, let me know, 'kay?
In other news, the final derby round was not last weekend, but the weekend before. Unlike last years season, Brutal Pageant were pummelling Smash Malice 2 bouts down - and even though Malice put up a brave fight, the Pageant girls were just too good. Didn't help that Tuff Bikkies went out at half time either. The Richter City girls are putting on an exhibition match against Pirate City in December, on the 11th - you can get tix from Under the Radar , and I totally recommend that you do - there were about two thousand people at the last bout (yay Wellington! Man, I love this city!).