Tuesday, May 18, 2010

My Mother Baked a Little Cake for You

Finally!  There was an alignment of cosmic proportions (i.e, my birthday a few weeks ago now, but I've only just gotten over the shock of turning 28, which is why I'm writing about it now), and I made those 'White Stripes' themed cupcakes which I'd been ranting about for some time.  Here they are in all their glory...

Pretty sensational, am I right?  Okay, I confess: they have had a little photoshop touch up on the icing.  But that's only because I couldn't make the red frosting go red enough without using like, half a bottle of food colouring.  And since I was feeding these to a pregnant lady, I didn't really want to do that.  Oh, by the way, the pregnant lady is not me.  Just in case you were Getting Ideas.

Confessions aside, these were outrageously tasty, and I fully recommend that y'all check out that white cake recipe that I've got listed somewhere on here (it's from Epicurious.com, boy oh boy if you haven't checked out that website, I fully recommend that you do, but not before lunch because it will make you very disappointed with your cheese toasty.  Or whatever you people eat for lunch... I've been having a toastie phase).  All I did was half the recipe ('cause these cupcake papers are kind of tiny), and swap out half the flour for the blackest, richest cocoa I could find.  Yum!  And the frosting is peppermint flavour, which didn't go down too well with my lad, but I bloody loved it.  Total sucker for that flavour combo, so I am.