Sweet Lord, how lazy can you get? No posts in months, barely done any writing of any description, and no good excuse apart from the fact that it's summer (or nominally summer here, since it's frickin' windy and so rainy that the damn stuff is coming in the french doors... hence the towels strewn liberally around the house) and I've got better things to do than slave away in the kitchen over a hot cupcake.
Oh yeah, so welcome to 2010, y'all. I'm not usually a one for New Year resolutions, but I'm endevouring to be better at the whole writing thing this year. I'm about half way through a teaser for the comic that Ngaio and I are doing, a bunch of myths for my creepy magical friends. I have a scary feeling that they are coming off a bit half-arsed or even worse, naff fantasy shite, but I'm trusting to Ngaio to keep me on the straight and narrow. Hear that, girl? Oh yeah, and I'm sorry I missed your birthday, but I'm going to come and visit as soon as I get my shit sorted, okay?
In other news, I'm tantalisingly close to the golden mark in the savings quest... but now I can't decide if I want to spend it on derby skates, a new tattoo or a KitchenAid. All are things that I lust over currently, though all come with drawbacks too. I have to learn to skate properly (I'm not going to willingly shame myself out/break my neck) in order for the skates that I'm after to be any good - I know, for $300 you'd think they'd skate themselves, but that would kind of defeat the purpose. The KitchenAid would need somewhere to live, which in our kitchen is no mean feat, since it's about the size of half a shoebox. And the new tattoo (or tattoos, since my idea is crows, one behind each ear, in reference to Hungin and Munnin, or Thought and Memory if you want the translation) requires a bit of organisation, since I'm keen to go to The Tattooed Heart to get it done, which involves travelling... which I know will be worth it. Oh well, it's not like the money comes out of my account if I don't spend it... plenty of time to decide... tattoo is looking like a winner though.
Anyways, back to the cupcakes... I got the most supremely ruley cupcake papers from my Grandma for Christmas, as soon as my favourite lad brings the camera back from his trip (I know, again with the trips), I'll whip something up and show them to you. They are frickin' perfect for the White Stripes cupcake I keep raving about, so thanks Grandma!
Right, toodles, gotta go and pick me boy up from the Airport soon, so I guess I'd better get on the road... lucky me. Lucky other drivers. Although I did make myself a fantastic album for driving the other day... lots of Spinnerette, which is brilliant driving music. Trust me.
I say we should sell out and blantantly copy all the other fantasy works out there....we can even reference twilight at every turn have you read that rubbish yet?? I made cup cakes for my birthday I aimed for 25....I made 49. turns out I'm older than I thought....Also I have decided that mini cupcakes are the only real cupcake otherwise you just get a nose full of icing and lets face it that doesn't look pretty unless it's a profile photo for facebook...that's going on the list...awaiting your glorious myths
ok spelling FAIL this is why you're the writer
Ha, spelling in English is totally whimsical anyway. (er, I'm using whimsical like it means on a whim, which isn't really right, but... too late, it's typed).
Mini cupcakes are good as long as you don't care how many you eat - like you've got to eat at least three mini's to get the same amount of cupcake, which is not good for the dieters ego. Not that I'm a dieter, though I seem to be on the See-Food diet at the moment... must be all that gym.
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