And, let's face it, if you're going to write Fat Ass on a cookie, you may as well go completely overboard with the insults:
The one at the top right there says Smelly. That was the Lad's contribution, smelly. He really has a very low tolerance for insults, which I blame on not having any siblings. As you can see, the icing needs more work, I'm a doofus when it comes to making any icing but buttercream. Heh, practise makes perfect though!
The cookies themselves were plain sugar cookies, boring as all get out, but a good basis for icing. I'm trying to get good at writing with icing, but am having a hard time coming up with ideas to use, so if any of y'all (if there are any of you... I feel sometimes like this blog is just me sending my whitterings into the dark) have any ideas, I'd be proud to steal them. Ooh, appropriate them, I mean. Heh heh heh.
So things are pretty good on other fronts as well - I'm three-quarters of the way through my application for Library School next year, just have to get the dumb money bit sorted, and I'll be sweet. Well, of course I have to get accepted too, but I'm not worrying about that bit, because it's totally out of my hands. Also, one of my short stories got a runner up placing in the BNZ Literary Awards, in the novice category, not too bad for someone who hadn't submitted anything for any competition before. I sort of walked around the house dazedly muttering 'fuck off... fuck off' in a happy kind of way when I got the email. Heh. So that was fun.
I'm in the grips of a comic reading phase at the moment - y'all have read about the John Constantine: Hellblazer thing I've been on, and now I've started on Transmetropolitan, which I'm totally loving. Well, I've only managed to get my hands on the first one, but its one of the few comics I feel I could go back just for the writing, and not just to stare at the pretty pictures. The thing that I totally admire about comic writers (or graphic novel writers, whatevs), is the sheer restraint of language. I mean, you can't really have a lot of pontification from your characters, the nature of the medium is to keep things brief and pithy. Well, not always pithy, but I really like that word, and it's my blog, so har de har. Oh, and I've been recommended Fable to read for the second time (which is a weird way of saying another person has thought that I'd like it and told me), so I'm gonna see if I can find that at the public library (which incidentally, has quite a good 'sampler' collection of graphic novels..)
I've got some pics of the hokey pokey cupcakes that I made for our Secret Santa thing at the library yesterday, which will have to be a later post 'cause my fingers are tired. Hard life, huh?
1 comment:
coookieeeesss yum
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