Friday, June 18, 2010

This [cake] is bananas, B!A!N!A!N!A!S!

Apologies to Ms Stefani, but look at this, would you?
Pretty foxy huh?  You'd never guess they were *gasp* banana flavoured.  I don't know if you can see from there, but I even did teensy little stamen things on the flowers (spent a looong time picking out yellows out of the hundreds and thousands mixture... boy, do I suffer for my art).  Not that I brag or anything, you understand... I'm just particularily proud of the fact that I managed to hold my gorge for an hour and a half while I was baking these.

So, obviously, I didn't eat any, but word on the street is that they were pretty tasty.  Chocolate icing, of course (well, kind of a ganache-icing hybrid creature), and the white is white chocolate packet icing.  You know those little tubes that you see in the supermarket?  My parents got me a bunch of them for my birthday this year, and I have to admit to being a little bit snobby of them at first, but they are pretty awesome, especially the white chocolate (sorry, white chocolate fudge) one, which is just darn delicious.  I even secretly nick into my fridge to put a little dab on my finger... mmm, so illicit, so sweet.

As I write this, I'm in Hamilton (Hamz, to those of us in the know, or Hellmilton if you're a roller derby kind of girl).  The weather is actually darn good, there was fog yesterday morning but hot air balloons!  Whoa!  I got all excited and started leaping around and pointing at them, but by the time I was doing that, Ma and Pa had both left for work, but I'm sure they would have given me "ooookay" type looks if they could.


NgaioRue said...

I'm still favoring hamiltron. just putting that in there. Who were the cup cakes for?? very yummy looking.

Unknown said...

Yeah, Hamiltron IS the city of the future.

Lauren said...

God help the future then. Nah, it ain't that bad... nice and flat, anyway.

Cakes were a 'just because I can'+'what the hell am I going to do with these bananas?'= cupcakes kind of moment.

NgaioRue said...

hamiltron has a lot of round a bouts...hailtronians(yes I just made that up) must be the new Zealand experts on getting on and off of round a bouts.

NgaioRue said...

ooo I missed the m amusing

Lauren said...

You made the word up, and you still spelled it wrong? Oooh... yikes.

Likin' the new spotty profile pic too. Noice.

NgaioRue said...

Yep it's a textile print that I did once upon a time. Also the index page for my website yo!