Sunday, March 06, 2011

My Cat's Name is Maceo

There's been quite a lot happening in this neck of the woods lately.  Firstly, school has started for the year, which means that not only am I studying (only part time, but that's quite enough when one is working full time as well, thank you very much), but also it's the busy season at work since all the students are back, I've been baking for Christchurch (more on that later), and we got a new cat!

The cat part first.  The Lad has been mad keen to get another cat, but I've been reticent for a few reasons.  Firstly, our old cat, Saffron-Yoda, never liked me very much (probably because I named her Saffron-Yoda, but also probably because I read a theory that girl cats prefer the company of boys, and boy cats prefer the company of girls... something to do with the pheromones, I guess).  Secondly, I'm actually allergic to cats - they make my nose run and my asthma go haywire.  I usually develope a tolerance to them after a while, but it takes the old body a while to get used to all that fluff in the air.  But anyway, so the Lad emailed me with this picture of a kitten who needed a home, and was all 'Can we? Huh? Can we?' and I caved.  This little blighter is so freakin' cute, I would challenge even the most cat-hatery individual to not have their icy heart melt just a little.  Here he is:
He's a little man, in a cat's body.

Maceo is, of course, named after the Jane's Addiction song, My Cat's Name is Maceo, which is off an album called Kettle Whistle.  The version of the song that appears on the album actually has the guy that Perry Farrell's cat was named after guesting on the saxophone, which is pretty awesome-slash-weird.  All that comes from Wikipedia, by the way, so take it with a grain of salt.  Oh, and good luck finding that song on youtube, by the way - it's been removed from a couple of vids by the youtube staff because of copyright infringement, so I spent like, fifteen minutes watching videos of other peoples cats in the hope of finding a video that actually had the song.  Guess you'll just have to find it yourselves.

Anyway, in other news, Monday was the big bake-sale thing for Christchurch.  I baked up some dinosaur shaped gingerbread (the only stipulation that they had was that the baking had to be something that was going to travel well - no cupcakes, in other words).  They came out really good, though I was worried about them for a second, as the dough was really crumbly.  But like I said, they came out fine.  Wellington has been having a few wee earthquakes of our own lately, which has been freaking everyone right out, though it's pretty usual for us.  Still, impecable timing.  Anyway, I did lemon icing in rough bone shapes on the dinos, which was really nice, actually kind of refreshing.  So I hope that whoever got them in Christchurch got a wee giggle out of them when they opened them up!

The leg bone's connected to the... back bone?
Library school is going well so far, I've got my second class tomorrow, and so far so good.  It's not going completely over my head, and one paper was a good way to start off.  Not too much work, just enough to keep things interesting.

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