Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Lil' Librarian

Ye Gods... it sometimes helps to go through your RSS reader, if only to find out what new dreck the interwebs has turned up.  When I came back to the internet after the break, I had over fifty completely useless (but mostly very interesting) things to read about. 

Including, the Little Librarian kit, which had been nominated by Disney as one of the best toys of 2010.  Which REALLY makes me wonder how crap the toys of 2010 were.  Not that I think libraries or teaching your kids the "important skills of organizing, sharing, borrowing and returning" are crap, of course not.  Still, there seems to be a major disconnect between the contents of the kit and what actual kids actually like.  Plus, I don't know about you, but when was the last time you saw a check card in the back of a book?  Not that long ago for me, but I'm usually ripping them out of the backs of books, because I don't know of a single library that still uses them. 

Anyway, just a little random to bring joy to your day!

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