Well, now that I'm thinking of famous women to pay homage to in baked goods form, I can't seem to get past the idea of Queen Elizabeth I. She is one of my favourite historical figures, just because she comes off as such a hardass, when really she seems to me to just have a big front so no-one would know how petrified she was of losing power. I mean, you can hardly blame her, it was a psycho time to be a ruler of anywhere, but especially scary for Elizabeth when you consider how her claim to the throne was put under such scrutiny before her reign had even begun, and to be dogged her whole life with the ghost of her mother (not literally of course, but it must have left a pretty big psychological scare once she found out why Mumsie wasn't around) plus that crafty Mary, Queen of Scots lurking perpetually in the wings, and the Spanish and French always trying to do her in. Tough times to be a queen.... Jeez, PLUS all the pressure to get married and start pushing out the babies. Give a girl a break already!
The great thing about Elizabeth I from a stylistic point of view is that she has these very defined 'looks' that identify her... for one thing her famous red hair. Elizabeth was apparently very vain about her hair, and was always interested in setting it off just so. So she wears a lot of strong colours, mostly black and white combos, which I can totally dig (my wardrobe being heavy on the self-same colours). She also loved pearls, as you can see from the above picture - girl is literally covered in them... pearls in her hair, on her dress, around her neck (you can't see her shoes, but I bet she would have had them attached to them too... hey, if less is more, then more is enough, right?!)
So, how does this sound: red velvet cupcake, a chocolatey flavoured one, not a vanilla. A spicy (cinnamonny, nutmeggy, maybe a wee bit of ginger) cream cheese icing. And pearl cachous to decorate. Huh? Huh? My mouth is watering just thinking about it. Or maybe it's just time for dinner... heehee.
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