Okay, in a bit of shameless promotion, it's CUPCAKE DAY next week (er, not next week... the week after next... the 31st of August, anyway)
All the proceeds from cupcakes sold on Cupcake Day will go direct to the SPCA. Pretty awesome, eh?
So my cupcakes will be up at Massey, but I'm sending some along to my husband's work too. So far, I've been figuring out some flavours that should go down well - Chocolate Rain which is a vegan double chocolate cupcake (which actually tastes AMAZING, even though I've been utterly rigorous about the complete lack of animal product in it... heehee, even tofu chocolate frosting... I know it sounds revolting, but tofu takes flavour incredibly well, so you can't even taste it) and Pretty in Pink, which are pink lemonade flavour (lemon cupcake, raspberry in the middle and raspberry frosting with yellow sherbert topping). Fun, huh? The cupcakes are going to be sold (mine are at least) for $2 each, which is waaay less than they're really worth, but I want to encourage the poor students to buy up large... for a good cause, and all that! I'll report back once its all over... looking forward to it though!
1 comment:
Okay, you know how I said tofu chocolate icing? Well, that's disgusting. It's not the tofu though... well, it is and isn't. Tofu has no flavour - so the icing just tastes like icing sugar. Which isn't strictly disgusting, but just not right.
Grr. I'll go to Commonsense tomorrow to see what they have... Lordy, I wish I knew a vegan!
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