So... after seeing 'It Might Get Loud' a few weeks ago as part of the New Zealand Film Festival, I've been a tad... not obsessed, strictly, but it would be close, with the imagery of the White Stripes. I'll tell you a wee bit about the film - it's... er... stars? Subjects is probably a better word, are Jack White (of the White Stripes), The Edge (from U2), and *gasp* JIMMY PAGE. Yes. He deserves all caps for being a rock god of the highest order. He also comes across during the film as a rather charming individual. They talk about guitars a bit, but they also talk about what made them love music... I was worried that this movie was going to be all guitar geekery, and although I can read guitar mags with the best of them, I wouldn't know a Humbucker from a wah pedal. But it's really not - its a bit music geek in parts (especially The Edge's bits, that man is a technical genius) but that what makes it so fun! Anywho, I digress.
I have to say that I've always been interested in the way that rock (and I guess, musicians in general, but rock happens to be the main bulk of the music that I like) musicians surround themselves with images. Oooh, actually, there is a fantastic book called Band ID which is incredibly interesting, well, mostly it's pictures of band logos, but it's really fascinating to compare the logos of bands of the same musical type kind of look the same (even those from supposedly 'alternative' bands... we're all the same in our individuality, it seems). That was a total digression again, but since it's my blog, y'all are just gonna have to put up with it.
What does all of this have to do with baking? Well, I'll tell you (you deserve it after persevering through all those digressions!) - since we here at the BCB are entirely motivated by external influence, I feel in my innermost soul that it may be time for a White Stripes cupcake. Well, I'll start with the White Stripes anyway, because they have the most distinctive palate (har har) of colours, of pretty much any band I know. Simple and delicious (hopefully) white cake, red-and-white peppermint frosting ... ooh, just had another idea... a Stairway to Heaven cupcake (jumbo size, Guinness and chocolate cupcake, cream cheese frosting, gold leaf sprinkles)... I don't think poor U2 will make the cupcake grade - they need a proper big cake, maybe a layer cake? Hmn, I might have to think about this, but it gives me something to ponder.... and I do love a good ponder.
1 comment:
Thanks for coming by my blog. Didn't know of Band ID, will have to check that one out.
take care,
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